Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weigh In -- FAIL! :'(

Dear Diary,
I must admit, after this weeks weigh in, I gave up. I immediately though "fuck this" and gave up. This is not something I am proud of. I have been avoiding updating this very blog because I gave up. The whole point of this very blog is to stop me doing that! I have already been reminded by Jasmin to post my measurements and weight and pictures. And they are sitting here ready to be done. I suppose I am a little, no A LOT, disappointed with myself and how little progress I have seemed to make after so much hard work. It means I need to work on what I eat and push myself further for longer.

So I fell off the bandwagon. I succumbed to Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I was slack and didn’t go for that walk. I of course made up excuses. It is raining. I have a cold (I actually do really have a cold, horrible thing) etc and etc. I am very good at justifying why I am not doing something.

I have decided I need more to keep me doing this. I am going to print off my fat pictures and stick them up somewhere that I will see them everyday. I will make a list of what I can and cannot eat and stick it on the fridge. I will (try) and stop making excuses allowing me to be lazy. Stay where I am. Not get healthy.

And thus, without further ado, this fortnights weigh-in:

Weight: 85.2kgs


Bust: 104
Waist: 95.5
Hips: 108
Thigh: 67
Upper Arm: 32.5

No real change really…/sigh

1 comment:

  1. You're the biggest douchebag I ever met.

    Did you even compare your photos to the first onces?! You've lost alot of fat and obviously the weight was reflecting muscle gain!

    Sheesh. Pring out both sets of photos and look at them carefully, then you will see a mega difference.

    Keep going! You can do it!

    I believe in you!!!

    Love you!
